Source code for decocare.commands

import logging
import time

import lib

class BadResponse (Exception):


Implementation and decoding of lots of commands.

Each command inherits from :py:`BaseCommand`, which takes care of the
basic logic for informing the stick if we have recieved all the data
we expect to recieve.

Many commands are supported by Medtronic but not listed here.
Examples would include setting profiles and rates.
(One theory is that these commands are turned into setters with
correct arguments.)


log = logging.getLogger( ).getChild(__name__)

def CRC8(data):
  return lib.CRC8.compute(data)

[docs]class BaseCommand(object): code = 0x00 descr = "(error)" retries = 2 timeout = 3 params = [ ] bytesPerRecord = 0 maxRecords = 0 effectTime = 0 responded = False def __init__(self, code, descr, *args): self.code = code self.descr = descr self.params = [ ]
[docs] def done(self): found = len( or [ ]) expect = int(self.maxRecords * self.bytesPerRecord) expect_size = "found[{}] expected[{}]".format(found, expect)"%s:download:done?explain=%s" % (self, expect_size)) return found >= expect
[docs] def format(self): pass
[docs] def respond(self, data): if getattr(self, 'data', None): else: = data self.getData( ) self.responded = True
[docs] def hexdump (self): return lib.hexdump(
class FieldChecker (object): def __init__ (self, msg, required=[]): self.msg = msg self.required = required def check_fields (self, data): for field in self.required: if field not in data: raise BadResponse( ) def __call__ (self, data): self.msg.validate(data) self.check_fields(data) return True
[docs]class PumpCommand(BaseCommand): #serial = '665455' #serial = '206525' serial = '208850' params = [ ] bytesPerRecord = 64 maxRecords = 1 retries = 2 effectTime = .500 data = bytearray( ) Validator = FieldChecker output_fields = [ ] __fields__ = ['maxRecords', 'code', 'descr', 'serial', 'bytesPerRecord', 'retries', 'params'] def __init__(self, **kwds): for k in self.__fields__: value = kwds.get(k, getattr(self, k)) setattr(self, k, value) self.allocateRawData( ) = bytearray( ) = self.log_name( ) self.checker = self.Validator(self, required=self.output_fields)
[docs] def log_name(self, prefix=''): return prefix + '{}.data'.format(self.__class__.__name__)
[docs] def save(self, prefix=''): name = '{}'.format(self.log_name(prefix)) handle = open(name, 'wb') handle.write( handle.close( )
def __str__(self): if self.responded: return '{}:size[{}]:data:{}'.format(self.__class__.__name__, self.size, repr(self.getData( ))) return '{}:data:unknown'.format(self.__class__.__name__) def __repr__(self): return '<{0}>'.format( self)
[docs] def validate (self, data): return True
[docs] def check_output (self, data): return self.checker(data)
[docs] def getData(self): return
[docs] def allocateRawData(self): self.size = self.bytesPerRecord * self.maxRecords
[docs] def format(self): params = self.params code = self.code maxRetries = self.retries serial = list(bytearray(self.serial.decode('hex'))) paramsCount = len(params) head = [ 1, 0, 167, 1 ] # serial packet = head + serial # paramCount 2 bytes packet.extend( [ (0x80 | lib.HighByte(paramsCount)), lib.LowByte(paramsCount) ] ) # not sure what this byte means button = 0 # special case command 93 if code == 93: button = 85 packet.append(button) packet.append(maxRetries) # how many packets/frames/pages/flows will this take? responseSize = self.calcRecordsRequired() # really only 1 or 2? pages = responseSize if responseSize > 1: pages = 2 packet.append(pages) packet.append(0) # command code goes here packet.append(code) packet.append(CRC8(packet)) packet.extend(params) packet.append(CRC8(params)) log.debug(packet) return bytearray(packet)
[docs] def calcRecordsRequired(self): length = self.bytesPerRecord * self.maxRecords i = length / 64 j = length % 64 if j > 0: return i + 1 return i
[docs]class ManualCommand(PumpCommand): def __init__(self, **kwds): = kwds.get('name', self.__class__.__name__) super(type(self), self).__init__(**kwds) self.kwds = kwds = kwds.get('name', self.__class__.__name__) def __str__(self): if self.responded: return '{}:{}:size[{}]:'.format(, self.kwds, self.size) return '{}:{}:data:unknown'.format(, self.kwds)
[docs] def log_name(self, prefix=''): return prefix + '{}.data'.format(
def __repr__(self): return '<{0}>'.format(self)
[docs] def getData(self): return self.hexdump( )
[docs]class PowerControl(PumpCommand): """ >>> PowerControl(serial='665455').format() == PowerControl._test_ok True """ _test_ok = bytearray( [ 0x01, 0x00, 0xA7, 0x01, 0x66, 0x54, 0x55, 0x80, 0x02, 0x55, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x5D, 0xE6, 0x01, 0x0A, 0xA2 ] ) code = 93 descr = "RF Power On" params = [ 0x01, 0x0A ] retries = 0 maxRecords = 0 #timeout = 1 # effectTime = 7 effectTime = 12 def __init__(self, minutes=None, **kwds): if minutes is not None: self.minutes = int(minutes) kwds['params'] = [ 0x01, self.minutes ] super(PowerControl, self).__init__(**kwds)
[docs]class PowerControlOff(PowerControl): """ Here's an example where arguments clearly modify behavior. """ params = [ 0x00, 0x00 ]
# MMPump???/ CMD_???????? 69 0x45 ('E') ??
[docs]class PumpExperiment_OP69 (PumpCommand): code = 69
# MMPump???/ CMD_???????? 70 0x46 ('F') ??
[docs]class PumpExperiment_OP70 (PumpCommand): code = 70
# MMPump???/ CMD_???????? 71 0x47 ('G') ??
[docs]class PumpExperiment_OP71 (PumpCommand): code = 71
# MMPump???/ CMD_???????? 72 0x48 ('H') ??
[docs]class PumpExperiment_OP72 (PumpCommand): code = 72
# MMPump???/ CMD_???????? 73 0x49 ('I') ??
[docs]class PumpExperiment_OP73 (PumpCommand): code = 73
# MMPump???/ SelectBasalProfile 74 0x4a ('J') OK
[docs]class SelectBasalProfile (PumpCommand): code = 74
[docs]class SelectBasalProfileSTD (SelectBasalProfile): params = [ 0 ]
[docs]class SelectBasalProfileA (SelectBasalProfile): params = [ 1 ]
[docs]class SelectBasalProfileB (SelectBasalProfile): params = [ 2 ]
# MMPump???/ CMD_???????? 75 0x4b ('K') ??
[docs]class PumpExperiment_OP75 (PumpCommand): code = 75
[docs]class TempBasal(PumpCommand): """ """ code = 76 descr = "Set temp basal" params = [ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 ] retries = 0 #maxRecords = 0 #timeout = 1
[docs] def getData(self): status = { 0: 'absolute' } received = True if (len( > 0 and[0] is 0) else False return dict(recieved=received, temp=status.get(self.params[0], 'percent'))
[docs] def Program (klass, rate=None, duration=None, temp=None, **kwds): assert duration % 30 is 0, "duration {0} is not a whole multiple of 30".format(duration) assert temp in [ 'percent', 'absolute' ], "temp field <{0}> should be one of {1}".format(temp, ['percent', 'absolute' ]) if temp in [ 'percent' ]: return TempBasalPercent(params=klass.format_percent_params(rate, duration), **kwds) return klass(params=klass.format_params(rate, duration), **kwds)
[docs] def format_percent_params (klass, rate, duration): duration = int(duration / 30) rate = int(rate) params = [rate, duration] return params
[docs] def format_params (klass, rate, duration): duration = duration / 30 rate = int(rate / 0.025) params = [0x00, rate, duration] return params
[docs]class SetSuspend(PumpCommand): code = 77 descr = "Set Pump Suspend/Resume status" params = [ ] retries = 2 maxRecords = 1
[docs] def getData(self): status = { 0: 'resumed', 1: 'suspended' } received = True if[0] is 0 else False return dict(recieved=received, status=status.get(self.params[0]))
[docs]class PumpSuspend(SetSuspend): descr = "Suspend pump" params = [ 1 ]
[docs]class PumpResume(SetSuspend): descr = "Resume pump (cancel suspend)" params = [ 0 ]
[docs]class SetAutoOff (PumpCommand): code = 78 maxRecords = 0
[docs]class SetEnabledEasyBolus (PumpCommand): code = 79 maxRecords = 0
[docs]class SetBasalType (PumpCommand): code = 104
[docs]class TempBasalPercent (TempBasal): """ """ code = 105 descr = "Set temp basal by percent" params = [ 0x00, 0x00 ] retries = 0
#maxRecords = 0 #timeout = 1
[docs]class KeypadPush(PumpCommand): code = 91 descr = "Press buttons on the keypad" params = [ ] retries = 1 maxRecords = 0 @classmethod
[docs] def ACT(klass, **kwds): return klass(params=[0x02], **kwds)
[docs] def ESC(klass, **kwds): return klass(params=[0x01], **kwds)
[docs] def DOWN(klass, **kwds): return klass(params=[0x04], **kwds)
[docs] def UP(klass, **kwds): return klass(params=[0x03], **kwds)
[docs] def EASY(klass, **kwds): return klass(params=[0x00], **kwds)
[docs]def PushACT (**kwds): return KeypadPush.ACT(**kwds)
[docs]def PushESC (**kwds): return KeypadPush.ESC(**kwds)
[docs]def PushDOWN (**kwds): return KeypadPush.DOWN(**kwds)
[docs]def PushUP (**kwds): return KeypadPush.UP(**kwds)
[docs]def PushEASY (**kwds): return KeypadPush.EASY(**kwds)
[docs]class ReadErrorStatus508 (PumpCommand): """ """ code = 38 descr = "error status" params = [ ]
[docs]class ReadBolusHistory (PumpCommand): """ """ code = 39 descr = "bolus history" params = [ ]
[docs]class ReadDailyTotals (PumpCommand): """ """ code = 40 descr = "..." params = [ ]
[docs]class ReadPrimeBoluses (PumpCommand): """ """ code = 41 descr = "..." params = [ ]
[docs]class ReadAlarms (PumpCommand): """ """ code = 42 descr = "..." params = [ ]
[docs]class ReadProfileSets (PumpCommand): """ """ code = 43 descr = "..." params = [ ]
[docs]class ReadUserEvents (PumpCommand): """ """ code = 44 descr = "..." params = [ ]
[docs]class ReadRemoteControlID (PumpCommand): """ """ code = 46 descr = "..." params = [ ]
[docs]class Read128KMem (PumpCommand): """ """ code = 55 descr = "..." params = [ ]
[docs]class Read256KMem (PumpCommand): """ """ code = 56 descr = "..." params = [ ]
[docs]class Bolus (PumpCommand): """ Bolus some insulin. XXX: Be careful please. Best trying this not connected to the pump until you trust it. """ code = 66 descr = "Bolus" params = [ ]
[docs] def getData(self): received = True if[0] is 0x0c else False return dict(recieved=received, _type='BolusRequest')
[docs]class ReadErrorStatus(PumpCommand): """ >>> ReadErrorStatus(serial='665455').format() == ReadErrorStatus._test_ok True """ _test_ok = bytearray([ 0x01, 0x00, 0xA7, 0x01, 0x66, 0x54, 0x55, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x02, 0x01, 0x00, 0x75, 0xD7, 0x00 ]) code = 117 descr = "Read Error Status any current alarms set?" params = [ ] retries = 2 maxRecords = 1
[docs]class ReadHistoryData(PumpCommand): """ >>> ReadHistoryData(serial='208850', params=[ 0x03 ]).format() == ReadHistoryData._test_ok True >>> ReadHistoryData(params=[ 0x01 ]).params [1] >>> ReadHistoryData(params=[ 0x02 ]).params [2] >>> ReadHistoryData(params=[ 0x03 ]).params [3] >>> ReadHistoryData(page=0x01).params [1] >>> ReadHistoryData(page=0x02).params [2] >>> ReadHistoryData(page=0x03).params [3] """ __fields__ = PumpCommand.__fields__ + ['page'] _test_ok = bytearray([ 0x01, 0x00, 0xA7, 0x01, 0x20, 0x88, 0x50, 0x80, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x02, 0x00, 0x80, 0x9B, 0x03, 0x36, ]) page = None def __init__(self, page=None, **kwds): if page is None and kwds.get('params', [ ]): page = kwds.pop('params')[0] or 0 if page is not None: = int(page) kwds['params'] = [ ] super(ReadHistoryData, self).__init__(**kwds)
[docs] def log_name(self, prefix=''): return prefix + '{}-page-{}.data'.format(self.__class__.__name__,
def __str__(self): base = ''.join([ self.__class__.__name__, ':size[%s]:' % self.size, '[page][%s]' % ]) return '{}:data[{}]:'.format(base, len(
[docs] def done(self): eod = False found = len( or [ ]) expect = int(self.maxRecords * self.bytesPerRecord) expect_crc = CRC8([:-1]) expect_size = "size check found[{}] expected[{}]".format(found, expect) found_crc = 0 if self.responded and len( > 5: found_crc =[-1] self.eod = eod = ([5] & 0x80) > 0 explain_crc = "CRC ACK check found[{}] expected[{}]".format(found_crc, expect_crc) is_eod = 'and has eod set? %s' % (eod)"%s:download:done %s:%s:%s" % (self, expect_size, explain_crc, is_eod)) return found >= expect
[docs] def respond(self, raw):'{} extending original {} with found {}'.format(str(self), len(, len(raw))) if len(raw) == self.size:'{} download respond replace original {} with found {}'.format(str(self), len(, len(raw))) = raw elif len( == self.size:'{} download respond original {}, XXX IGNORE found {}'.format(str(self), len(, len(raw))) pass else:'{} download respond extend original {} with found {}'.format(str(self), len(, len(raw))) self.responded = True
code = 128 descr = "Read History Data" params = [ ] retries = 2 maxRecords = 16 effectTime = .100 data = bytearray( )
[docs] def getData(self): data = #"XXX: READ HISTORY DATA!!:\n%s" % lib.hexdump(data)) return self.hexdump( )
[docs]class ReadCurPageNumber(PumpCommand): """ """ code = 157 descr = "Read Cur Page Number" params = [ ] retries = 2 maxRecords = 1 pages = 'unknown' def __str__(self): return ':pages:'.join([self.__class__.__name__, str(self.pages) ])
[docs] def respond(self, data): = data self.pages = self.getData( ) self.responded = True
[docs] def getData(self): data ="XXX: READ cur page number:\n%s" % lib.hexdump(data)) # MM12 does not support this command, but has 31 pages # Thanks to @amazaheri page = 32 if len(data) == 1: return int(data[0]) if len(data) > 3: page = lib.BangLong(data[0:4]) # if page <= 0 or page > 36: page = 36 return page
[docs]class ReadCurGlucosePageNumber(PumpCommand): """ """ code = 205 descr = "Read Cur Glucose Page Number" params = [ ] retries = 2 maxRecords = 1
[docs] def getData(self): data ="XXX: READ cur page number:\n%s" % lib.hexdump(data)) if len(data) == 1: return int(data[0]) return dict(page= lib.BangLong(data[0:4]), glucose=data[5], isig=data[7])
[docs]class ReadRTC(PumpCommand): """ """ code = 112 descr = "Read RTC" params = [ ] retries = 2 maxRecords = 1
[docs] def getData(self): data = d = { 'hour' : int(data[0]), 'minute': int(data[1]), 'second': int(data[2]), # XXX 'year' : lib.BangInt([data[3], data[4]]), 'month' : int(data[5]), 'day' : int(data[6]), } return "{year:#04}-{month:#02}-{day:#02}T{hour:#02}:{minute:#02}:{second:#02}".format(**d)
class SetRTC (PumpCommand): """ Set clock """ code = 64 descr = "Set RTC" retries = 2 maxRecords = 0 __fields__ = PumpCommand.__fields__ + ['clock'] def __init__(self, clock=None, **kwds): params = kwds.get('params', [ ]) self.clock = kwds.get('clock', None) if len(params) == 0: params.extend(SetRTC.fmt_datetime(clock)) kwds['params'] = params super(SetRTC, self).__init__(**kwds) @classmethod def fmt_datetime (klass, dt): return [dt.hour, dt.minute, dt.second, lib.HighByte(dt.year), lib.LowByte(dt.year), dt.month,]
[docs]class ReadPumpID(PumpCommand): """ """ code = 113 descr = "Read Pump ID" params = [ ] retries = 2 maxRecords = 1
[docs] def getData(self): data = return str(data[0:6])
[docs]class ReadBatteryStatus(PumpCommand): """ """ code = 114 descr = "Read Battery Status" params = [ ] retries = 2 maxRecords = 1
[docs] def getData(self): data = bd = bytearray(data) volt = lib.BangInt((bd[1], bd[2])) indicator = bd[0] battery = {'status': {0: 'normal', 1: 'low'}[indicator], 'voltage': volt/100.0 } return battery
[docs]class ReadFirmwareVersion(PumpCommand): """ """ code = 116 descr = "Read Firmware Version" params = [ ] retries = 2 maxRecords = 1
[docs] def getData(self): data = log.debug("READ FIRMWARE HEX:\n%s" % lib.hexdump(data)) return str(data.split( chr(0x0b) )[0]).strip( )
[docs]class ReadRemainingInsulin(PumpCommand): """ """ code = 115 descr = "Read Remaining Insulin" params = [ ] retries = 2 maxRecords = 1 basalStrokes = 10.0 startByte = 0 endByte = 2
[docs] def getData(self): data ="READ remaining insulin:\n%s" % lib.hexdump(data)) return lib.BangInt(data[self.startByte:self.endByte])/self.basalStrokes
[docs]class ReadRemainingInsulin523(ReadRemainingInsulin): """ """ basalStrokes = 40.0 startByte = 2 endByte = 4
[docs]class ReadBasalTemp508 (PumpCommand): """ """ code = 64 descr = "Read Temp Basal 508 (old)" params = [ ] retries = 2 maxRecords = 1
[docs] def getData(self): data = rate = lib.BangInt(data[2:4])/40.0 duration = lib.BangInt(data[4:6])"READ temporary basal:\n%s" % lib.hexdump(data)) return { 'rate': rate, 'duration': duration }
[docs]class ReadTodayTotals508 (PumpCommand): """ """ code = 65 descr = "Read Totals Today" params = [ ] retries = 2 maxRecords = 1
[docs] def getData(self): data ="READ totals today:\n%s" % lib.hexdump(data)) totals = { 'today': lib.BangInt(data[0:2]) / 10.0, 'yesterday': lib.BangInt(data[2:4]) / 10.0 } return totals
# MMPump511/ ReadTotalsToday 121 0x79 ('y') OK
[docs]class ReadTotalsToday(PumpCommand): """ """ code = 121 descr = "Read Totals Today" params = [ ] retries = 2 maxRecords = 1
[docs] def getData(self): data ="READ totals today:\n%s" % lib.hexdump(data)) totals = { 'today': lib.BangInt(data[0:2]) / 10.0, 'yesterday': lib.BangInt(data[2:4]) / 10.0 } return totals
# MMPump511/ ReadProfiles_STD 122 0x7a ('z') OK
[docs]class ReadProfiles511_STD (PumpCommand): code = 122
# MMPump511/ ReadProfiles_A 123 0x7b ('{') ??
[docs]class ReadProfiles511_A (PumpCommand): code = 123
# MMPump511/ ReadProfiles_B 124 0x7c ('|') ??
[docs]class ReadProfiles511_B (PumpCommand): code = 124
# MMPump???/ CMD_????? 125 0x7d ('}') ??
[docs]class Model511_ExperimentOP125 (PumpCommand): code = 125
# MMPump???/ CMD_????? 126 0x7e ('~') ??
[docs]class Model511_ExperimentOP126 (PumpCommand): code = 126
# MMPump511/ ReadSettings 127 0x7f DEL
[docs]class ReadSettings511 (PumpCommand): code = 127
# MMX11/ CMD_ENABLE_DISABLE_DETAIL_TRACE 160 0x9f ('\x9f') ??
[docs]class PumpTraceSelect (PumpCommand): code = 160
[docs]class PumpEnableDetailTrace (PumpTraceSelect): params = [ 1 ]
[docs]class PumpDisableDetailTrace (PumpTraceSelect): params = [ 0 ]
[docs]class Experiment_OP161 (PumpCommand): code = 161
[docs]class Experiment_OP162 (PumpCommand): code = 162
# MMPump511/ ReadPumpTrace 163 0xa3 ('\xa3') ??
[docs]class ReadPumpTrace (PumpCommand): code = 163 maxRecords = 16
# MMPump511/ ReadDetailTrace 164 0xa4 ('\xa4') ??
[docs]class ReadDetailTrace (PumpCommand): code = 164 maxRecords = 16
# MMPump11??/ CMD_???????????? 165 0xa5 0xa5 ??
[docs]class Model511_Experiment_OP165 (PumpCommand): code = 165
# MMPump511/ ReadNewTraceAlarm 166 0xa6 ('\xa6') ??
[docs]class ReadNewTraceAlarm (PumpCommand): code = 166 maxRecords = 16
# MMPump511/ ReadOldTraceAlarm 167 0xa7 ('\xa7') ??
[docs]class ReadOldTraceAlarm (PumpCommand): maxRecords = 16 code = 167
# MMPump???/ CMD_????? 36 0x24 ('$') ?? class PumpExperimentSelfCheck_OP36 (PumpCommand): code = 36 # MMX22/ CMD_WRITE_GLUCOSE_HISTORY_TIMESTAMP 40 0x28 ('(') ??
[docs]class WriteGlucoseHistoryTimestamp (PumpCommand): code = 40
[docs]class ReadRadioCtrlACL(PumpCommand): """ """ code = 118 descr = "Read Radio ACL" params = [ ] retries = 2 maxRecords = 1
[docs] def getData(self): data = ids = [ ] ids.append( str(data[0:6]) ) ids.append( str(data[6:12]) ) ids.append( str(data[12:18]) )"READ radio ACL:\n%s" % lib.hexdump(data)) return ids
[docs]class Model511_Experiment_OP119 (PumpCommand): code = 119
[docs]class Model511_Experiment_OP120 (PumpCommand): code = 120
[docs]class Model511_Experiment_OP121 (PumpCommand): code = 121
[docs]class Model511_Experiment_OP122 (PumpCommand): code = 122
[docs]class Model511_Experiment_OP123 (PumpCommand): code = 123
[docs]class Model511_Experiment_OP124 (PumpCommand): code = 124
[docs]class Model511_Experiment_OP125 (PumpCommand): code = 125
[docs]class Model511_Experiment_OP126 (PumpCommand): code = 126
[docs]class Model511_Experiment_OP127 (PumpCommand): code = 127
[docs]class Model511_Experiment_OP128 (PumpCommand): code = 128
[docs]class Model511_Experiment_OP129 (PumpCommand): code = 129
[docs]class Model511_Experiment_OP130 (PumpCommand): code = 130
# MMPump512/ CMD_READ_LANGUAGE 134 0x86 ('\x86') ??
[docs]class ReadLanguage (PumpCommand): code = 134
# MMPump512/ CMD_READ_BOLUS_WIZARD_SETUP_STATUS 135 0x87 ('\x87') ??
[docs]class ReadBolusWizardSetupStatus (PumpCommand): code = 135
# MMPump512/ CMD_READ_CARB_UNITS 136 0x88 ('\x88') OK
[docs]class ReadCarbUnits (PumpCommand): code = 136
[docs] def getData (self): labels = { 1 : 'grams', 2: 'exchanges' } return dict(carb_units=labels.get([0],[0]))
# MMPump512/ CMD_READ_BG_UNITS 137 0x89 ('\x89') ??
[docs]class ReadBGUnits (PumpCommand): code = 137
[docs] def getData (self): labels = { 1 : 'mg/dL', 2: 'mmol/L' } return dict(bg_units=labels.get([0],[0]))
# MMPump512/ CMD_READ_CARB_RATIOS 138 0x8a ('\x8a') OK
[docs]class ReadCarbRatios512 (PumpCommand): code = 138 output_fields = ['units', 'schedule' ]
[docs] def getData (self): # return self.model.decode_carb_ratios([:]) units =[0] labels = { 1 : 'grams', 2: 'exchanges' } fixed =[1] data =[1:1+(8 *2)] return dict(schedule=self.decode_ratios(data[0:], units=units), units=labels.get(units),[0], raw=' '.join('0x{:02x}'.format(x) for x in
item_size = 2 num_items = 8 @classmethod
[docs] def decode_ratios (klass, data, units=0): data = data[0:(8 *2)] schedule = [ ] for x in range(len(data)/ 2): start = x * 2 end = start + 2 (i, r) = data[start:end] if x > 0 and i == 0: break ratio = int(r) if units == 2: ratio = r / 10.0 schedule.append(dict(x=x, i=i, start=lib.basal_time(i), offset=i*30, ratio=ratio, r=r)) return schedule
[docs]class ReadCarbRatios (PumpCommand): code = 138 item_size = 3 num_items = 8 output_fields = ['units', 'schedule' ]
[docs] def getData (self): units =[0] labels = { 1 : 'grams', 2: 'exchanges' } fixed =[1] data =[2:2+(fixed *3)] return dict(schedule=self.decode_ratios(data, units=units), units=labels.get(units),[0])
[docs] def decode_ratios (klass, data, units=0): schedule = [ ] for x in range(len(data)/ 3): start = x * 3 end = start + 3 (i, q, r) = data[start:end] if x > 0 and i == 0: break ratio = r/10.0 if q: ratio = lib.BangInt([q, r]) / 1000.0 schedule.append(dict(x=x, i=i, start=lib.basal_time(i), offset=i*30, q=q, ratio=ratio, r=r)) return schedule
# MMPump512/ CMD_READ_INSULIN_SENSITIVITIES 139 0x8b ('\x8b') OK
[docs]class ReadInsulinSensitivities (PumpCommand): code = 139 resp_1 = bytearray(b'\x01\x00-\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00') resp_uk_1 = bytearray(str(""" 02001600000000 00000000000000 00000000000000 00000000000000 00000000000000 00000000000000 00000000000000 00000000000000 """.strip( ).replace("\n", "").decode('hex'))) output_fields = ['units', 'sensitivities' ] UNITS = { 1: 'mg/dL', 2: 'mmol/L' }
[docs] def getData (self): # isFast = data[17] == 0 isFast =[0] is 1 units =[0] data =[1:1+16] schedule = [ ] for x in range(8): start = x * 2 end = start + 2 (i, sensitivity) = data[start:end] if x > 0 and i == 0: break if units == 2: sensitivity = sensitivity / 10.0 schedule.append(dict(x=x, i=i, start=lib.basal_time(i), offset=i*30, sensitivity=sensitivity)) labels = { True: 'Fast', False: 'Regular' } return dict(sensitivities=schedule,[0], units=self.UNITS.get(units))
# MMPump512/ CMD_READ_BG_TARGETS 140 0x8c ('\x8c') ??
[docs]class ReadBGTargets (PumpCommand): code = 140
[docs]class ReadBGTargets515 (PumpCommand): code = 159 output_fields = ['units', 'targets' ]
[docs] def getData (self): units =[0] labels = { 1 : 'mg/dL', 2: 'mmol/L' } data =[1:1+24] schedule = [ ] for x in range(8): start = x * 3 end = start + 3 (i, low, high) = data[start:end] if x > 0 and i == 0: break if units is 2: low = low / 10.0 high = high / 10.0 schedule.append(dict(x=x, i=i, start=lib.basal_time(i), offset=i*30, low=low, high=high)) return dict(targets=schedule, units=labels.get(units),[0], raw=' '.join('0x{:02x}'.format(x) for x in
# MMPump512/ CMD_READ_BG_ALARM_CLOCKS 142 0x8e ('\x8e') ??
[docs]class ReadBGAlarmCLocks (PumpCommand): code = 142
# MMPump512/ CMD_READ_RESERVOIR_WARNING 143 0x8f ('\x8f') ??
[docs]class ReadReservoirWarning (PumpCommand): code = 143
# MMPump512/ CMD_READ_BG_REMINDER_ENABLE 144 0x90 ('\x90') ??
[docs]class ReadBGReminderEnable (PumpCommand): code = 144
# MMPump512/ CMD_READ_SETTINGS 145 0x91 ('\x91') ??
[docs]class ReadSettings512 (PumpCommand): code = 145
# MMPump512/ CMD_READ_STD_PROFILES 146 0x92 ('\x92') ??
[docs]class ReadProfile_STD512 (PumpCommand): """ >>> import json >>> schedule = ReadProfile_STD512.decode(ReadProfile_STD512._test_result_1) >>> len(schedule) 4 >>> print json.dumps(schedule[0]) {"i": 0, "start": "00:00:00", "rate": 0.8, "minutes": 0} >>> print json.dumps(schedule[1]) {"i": 1, "start": "06:30:00", "rate": 0.9500000000000001, "minutes": 390} >>> print json.dumps(schedule[2]) {"i": 2, "start": "09:30:00", "rate": 1.1, "minutes": 570} >>> print json.dumps(schedule[3]) {"i": 3, "start": "14:00:00", "rate": 0.9500000000000001, "minutes": 840} """ _test_result_1 = bytearray([ 32, 0, 0, 38, 0, 13, 44, 0, 19, 38, 0, 28, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]) _test_schedule = {'total': 22.50, 'schedule': [ { 'start': '12:00A', 'rate': 0.80 }, { 'start': '6:30A', 'rate': 0.95 }, { 'start': '9:30A', 'rate': 1.10 }, { 'start': '2:00P', 'rate': 0.95 }, ]} code = 146 maxRecords = 2 output_fields = [ ]
[docs] def validate (self, data): i = 0 valid = True last = None for profile in data: start = str(lib.basal_time(profile['minutes']/30)) if 'rate' in profile and profile['i'] == i and start == profile['start']: if i == 0: if profile['minutes'] != 0: template = "{name} first scheduled item should be 00:00:00." msg = template.format(name=self.__class__.__name__) msg = "%s\n%s" % (msg, profile) raise BadResponse(msg) if last and profile['minutes'] <= last['minutes']: template = "{name} next scheduled item occurs before previous" msg = template.format(name=self.__class__.__name__) msg = "%s\n%s" % (msg, profile) raise BadResponse(msg) else: bad_profile = """Current profile: %s""" % (profile) template = """{bad_profile} Found in response to {name} i: {i} matches? {matches_i} our calcstart: {start} profile start: {profile_start} has a rate: {has_rate} start matches: {matches_start} """ raise BadResponse(template.format(bad_profile=bad_profile , name=self.__class__.__name__ , start=start , profile_start=profile['start'] , has_rate= 'rate' in profile , matches_i= profile['i'] == i , matches_start= start == profile['start'] , i=i)) valid = False last = profile i = i + 1 return True
[docs] def decode (data): i = 0 schedule = [ ] end = [ 0, 0, 0 ] none = [ 0, 0, 0x3F ] for i in xrange(len(data)/3): off = i*3 r, z, m = data[off : off + 3] if i > 0 and [r,z,m] in [end, none]: break schedule.append(dict(i=i, minutes=m*30, start=str(lib.basal_time(m)), rate=r*.025)) return schedule
[docs] def getData (self): return self.decode(
# MMPump512/ CMD_READ_A_PROFILES 147 0x93 ('\x93') OK
[docs]class ReadProfile_A512 (ReadProfile_STD512): code = 147
# MMPump512/ CMD_READ_B_PROFILES 148 0x94 ('\x94') OK
[docs]class ReadProfile_B512 (ReadProfile_STD512): code = 148
# MMPump512/ CMD_READ_LOGIC_LINK_IDS 149 0x95 ('\x95') OK
[docs]class ReadLogicLinkIDS (PumpCommand): code = 149
# MMPump512??/ CMD_???????????????? 150 0x96 ('\x96') ??
[docs]class Model512Experiment_OP150 (PumpCommand): code = 150
# MMPump512/ CMD_READ_BG_ALARM_ENABLE 151 0x97 ('\x97') ??
[docs]class ReadBGAlarmEnable (PumpCommand): code = 151
# MMPump512/ CMD_READ_TEMP_BASAL 152 0x98 ('\x98') OK
[docs]class ReadBasalTemp(PumpCommand): """ MM511 - 120 MM512 and up - opcode 152 # strokes per basalunit = 40 - mm12, 10 in mm11 """ code = 152 descr = "Read Temp Basal" params = [ ] retries = 2 maxRecords = 1
[docs] def getData(self): data = temp = { 0: 'absolute', 1: 'percent' }[[0]] status = dict(temp=temp) if temp is 'absolute': rate = lib.BangInt(data[2:4])/40.0 duration = lib.BangInt(data[4:6]) status.update(rate=rate, duration=duration) if temp is 'percent': rate = int(data[1]) duration = lib.BangInt(data[4:6]) status.update(rate=rate, duration=duration)"READ temporary basal:\n%s" % lib.hexdump(data)) return status
# MMGuardian3/ CMD_READ_SENSOR_SETTINGS 207 0xcf ('\xcf') ?? class GuardianSensorSettings (PumpCommand): code = 207 # MMGuardian3/ CMD_READ_SENSOR_PREDICTIVE_ALERTS 209 0xd1 ('\xd1') ??
[docs]class GuardianSensorSettings (PumpCommand): code = 209
# MMGuardian3/ CMD_READ_SENSOR_DEMO_AND_GRAPH_TIMEOUT 210 0xd2 ('\xd2') ??
[docs]class GuardianSensorDemoGraphTimeout (PumpCommand): code = 210
# MMGuardian3/ CMD_READ_SENSOR_ALARM_SILENCE 211 0xd3 ('\xd3') ??
[docs]class GuardianSensorAlarmSilence (PumpCommand): code = 211
# MMGuardian3/ CMD_READ_SENSOR_RATE_OF_CHANGE_ALERTS 212 0xd4 ('\xd4') ??
[docs]class GuardianSensorRateChangeAlerts (PumpCommand): code = 212
[docs]class ReadSettings(PumpCommand): """ XXX: changed in MM512 to 192 """ code = 192 descr = "Read Settings" params = [ ] retries = 2 maxRecords = 1 output_fields = ['maxBolus', 'maxBasal', 'insulin_action_curve' ] byte_map = { }
[docs] def alarm(self, alarm): d = { 'volume': alarm, 'mode': 2 } if alarm == 4: d = { 'volume': -1, 'mode': 1 } return d
[docs] def temp_basal_type(self, data): temp = { 'type': data[0] == 1 and "Percent" or "Units/hour", 'percent': data[1] } return temp
[docs] def getData(self): data ="READ pump settings:\n%s" % lib.hexdump(data)) if len(data) < 2:"pump settings: unsupported version, sorry") return data auto_off_duration_hrs = data[0] alarm = self.alarm(data[1]) audio_bolus_enable = data[2] == 1 audio_bolus_size = 0 if audio_bolus_enable: audio_bolus_size = data[3] / 10.0 variable_bolus_enable = data[4] == 1 #MM23 is different maxBolus = data[5]/ 10.0 # MM512 and up maxBasal = lib.BangInt(data[6:8]) / 40.0 timeformat = data[8] insulinConcentration = {0: 100, 1: 50}[data[9]] patterns_enabled = data[10] == 1 selected_pattern = data[11] rf_enable = data[12] == 1 block_enable = data[13] == 1 temp_basal = self.temp_basal_type(data[14:16]) paradigm_enabled = data[16] """ # MM12 insulin_action_type = data[17] == 0 and 'Fast' or 'Regular' """ #MM15 # insulin_action_type = data[17] insulin_action_curve = data[17] low_reservoir_warn_type = data[18] low_reservoir_warn_point = data[19] keypad_lock_status = data[20] values = locals( ) # safety values.pop('self') values.pop('data') return values
[docs]class ReadSettings523(ReadSettings):
[docs] def getData(self): values = super(ReadSettings523, self).getData() data = values['maxBasal'] = lib.BangInt(data[7:9]) / 40.0 values['maxBolus'] = data[6]/ 10.0 return values
# MMX15/ CMD_READ_SAVED_SETTINGS_DATE 193 0xc1 ('\xc1') ??
[docs]class ReadSavedSettingsDate (PumpCommand): code = 193
[docs]class ReadContrast(PumpCommand): """ """ code = 195 descr = "Read Contrast" params = [ ] retries = 2 maxRecords = 1
[docs] def getData(self): data ="READ contrast:\n%s" % lib.hexdump(data)) return data
# MMX15/ CMD_READ_BOLUS_REMINDER_ENABLE 197 0xc5 ('\xc5') ??
[docs]class ReadBolusReminderEnable (PumpCommand): code = 197
# MMX15/ CMD_READ_BOLUS_REMINDERS 198 0xc6 ('\xc6') ??
[docs]class ReadBolusReminders (PumpCommand): code = 198
# MMX15/ CMD_READ_FACTORY_PARAMETERS 199 0xc7 ('\xc7') ??
[docs]class ReadFactoryParameters (PumpCommand): code = 199
[docs]class ReadPumpStatus(PumpCommand): """ """ code = 206 descr = "Read Pump Status" params = [ ] retries = 2 maxRecords = 1
[docs] def getData(self): data = normal = { 03: 'normal' } status = { 'status': normal.get(data[0], 'error'), 'bolusing': data[1] == 1, 'suspended': data[2] == 1 } return status
[docs]class ReadPumpState(PumpCommand): """ >>> ReadPumpState(serial='665455').format() == ReadPumpState._test_ok True """ _test_ok = bytearray([ 0x01, 0x00, 0xA7, 0x01, 0x66, 0x54, 0x55, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x02, 0x01, 0x00, 0x83, 0x2E, 0x00 ]) code = 131 descr = "Read Pump State" params = [ ] retries = 2 maxRecords = 1
# MMX22/ CMD_READ_SENSOR_SETTINGS 153 0x99 ('\x99') ??
[docs]class ReadSensorSettings (PumpCommand): """ """ descr = "Read sensor settings" code = 153 params = [ ] retries = 2
[docs]class ReadSensorHistoryData (ReadHistoryData): def __init__(self, page=None, **kwds): params = kwds.pop('params', [ ]) if page is not None: params = [ lib.LowByte(page >> 24), lib.LowByte(page >> 16), lib.LowByte(page >> 8), lib.LowByte(page) ] = page super(ReadSensorHistoryData, self).__init__(params=params, **kwds) self.params = params = page
# MMX22/ CMD_READ_GLUCOSE_HISTORY 154 0x9a ('\x9a') ??
[docs]class ReadGlucoseHistory (ReadSensorHistoryData): """ >>> ReadGlucoseHistory(page=1).params [0, 0, 0, 1] >>> list(ReadGlucoseHistory(page=1).format( )) [1, 0, 167, 1, 32, 136, 80, 128, 4, 0, 2, 2, 0, 154, 34, 0, 0, 0, 1, 155] >>> ReadGlucoseHistory(page=2).params [0, 0, 0, 2] >>> ReadGlucoseHistory(page=3) <ReadGlucoseHistory:size[1024]:[page][3]:data[0]:> >>> list(ReadGlucoseHistory(page=3).format( )) [1, 0, 167, 1, 32, 136, 80, 128, 4, 0, 2, 2, 0, 154, 34, 0, 0, 0, 3, 54] >>> ReadGlucoseHistory(page=3).params [0, 0, 0, 3] >>> ReadGlucoseHistory(params=[1]).params [1] >>> ReadGlucoseHistory(params=[2]).params [2] >>> ReadGlucoseHistory(params=[3]).params [3] """ descr = "Read glucose history" code = 154 params = [ ]
# MMX22/ CMD_READ_ISIG_HISTORY 155 0x9b ('\x9b') ??
[docs]class ReadISIGHistory (ReadSensorHistoryData): """ >>> ReadISIGHistory(page=0).params [0, 0, 0, 0] >>> ReadISIGHistory(page=1).params [0, 0, 0, 1] >>> ReadISIGHistory(page=2).params [0, 0, 0, 2] """ descr = "Read ISIG history" code = 155 params = [ ] maxRecords = 32
# MMX22/ CMD_READ_CALIBRATION_FACTOR 156 0x9c ('\x9c') ??
[docs]class ReadCalibrationFactor (PumpCommand): """ """ code = 156
# MMX23/ CMD_READ_VCNTR_HISTORY 213 0xd5 ('\xd5') ??
[docs]class ReadVCNTRHistory (ReadSensorHistoryData): code = 213
# MMX23/ CMD_READ_OTHER_DEVICES_IDS 240 0xf0 ('\xf0') ??
[docs]class ReadOtherDevicesIDS (PumpCommand): code = 240
class ReadCaptureEventEnabled (PumpCommand): code = 241 class ChangeCaptureEventEnable (PumpCommand): code = 242 params = [0] def __init__(self, enabled=True, **kwds): self.params[0] = int(enabled) super(ChangeCaptureEventEnable, self).__init__(**kwds) class ReadConnectDevicesOtherDevicesStatus (PumpCommand): code = 243
[docs]class FilterHistory (PumpCommand): """ """ code = None begin = None end = None __fields__ = PumpCommand.__fields__ + ['begin', 'end'] def __init__(self, begin=None, end=None, **kwds): params = kwds.get('params', [ ]) if len(params) == 0: params.extend(lib.format_filter_date(begin)) params.extend(lib.format_filter_date(end)) kwds['params'] = params super(FilterHistory, self).__init__(**kwds)
[docs] def getData(self): data = if len(data) < 4: return bytearray(data) begin = lib.BangInt(data[0:2]) end = lib.BangInt(data[2:4]) return dict(begin=begin, end=end, params=self.params)
[docs] def ISO (klass, begin=None, end=None, **kwds): return klass(,, **kwds)
# MMX22??/ CMD_FILTER_BG 168 0xa8 ('\xa8') ??
[docs]class FilterGlucoseHistory (FilterHistory): """ >>> FilterGlucoseHistory.ISO(begin='2014-04-13', end='2014-04-14').params [7, 222, 4, 13, 7, 222, 4, 14] """ code = 168
# MMX22??/ CMD_FILTER_ISIG 169 0xa9 ('\xa9') ??
[docs]class FilterISIGHistory (FilterHistory): """ >>> FilterISIGHistory.ISO(begin='2014-04-13', end='2014-04-14').params [7, 222, 4, 13, 7, 222, 4, 14] """ code = 169
class TweakAnotherCommand (ManualCommand): @classmethod def get_kwds (klass, Other, args): kwds = { } fields = list(set(Other.__fields__) - set(['serial', ])) for k in fields: value = getattr(args, k, None) if value is not None: kwds[k] = value return kwds @classmethod def config_argparse (klass, parser): parser.add_argument('--params', type=int, action="append", help="parameters to format into sent message" ) parser.add_argument('--params_hexline', dest='params', type=lib.decode_hexline, help="hex string, parameters to format into sent message" # default=commands.ManualCommand.params ) parser.add_argument('--descr', type=str, help="Description of command" ) parser.add_argument('--name', type=str, help="Proposed name of command" ) parser.add_argument('--save', action="store_true", default=False, help="Save response in a file." ) parser.add_argument('--effectTime', type=float, help="time to sleep before responding to message, float in seconds" ) parser.add_argument('--maxRecords', type=int, help="number of frames in a packet composing payload response" ) parser.add_argument('--bytesPerRecord', type=int, help="bytes per frame" ) parser.add_argument('--page', type=int, help="Page to fetch (for ReadHistoryData)" ) parser.add_argument('--begin',, help="begin date for FilterHistory" ) parser.add_argument('--end',, help="end date for FilterHistory" ) return parser
[docs]class ReadPumpModel(PumpCommand): """ >>> ReadPumpModel(serial='665455').format() == ReadPumpModel._test_ok True """ code = 141 descr = "Read Pump Model Number" params = [ ] retries = 2 maxRecords = 1 _test_ok = bytearray([ 0x01, 0x00, 0xA7, 0x01, 0x66, 0x54, 0x55, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x02, 0x01, 0x00, 0x8D, 0x5B, 0x00 ])
[docs] def getData(self): data = if len(data) == 0: return '' length = data[0] msg = data[1:1+length] self.model = msg return str(msg)
def do_commands(device): comm = ReadPumpModel( serial=device.serial ) device.execute(comm)'comm:%s:data:%s' % (comm, getattr(comm.getData( ), 'data', None)))'REMOTE PUMP MODEL NUMBER: %s' % comm.getData( ))"READ RTC") comm = ReadRTC( serial=device.serial ) device.execute(comm)'comm:RTC:%s' % (comm.getData( )))"READ PUMP ID") comm = ReadPumpID( serial=device.serial ) device.execute(comm)'comm:READ PUMP ID: ID: %s' % (comm.getData( )))"Battery Status") comm = ReadBatteryStatus( serial=device.serial ) device.execute(comm)'comm:READ Battery Status: %r' % (comm.getData( )))"Firmware Version") comm = ReadFirmwareVersion( serial=device.serial ) device.execute(comm)'comm:READ Firmware Version: %r' % (comm.getData( )))"remaining insulin") comm = ReadRemainingInsulin( serial=device.serial ) device.execute(comm)'comm:READ Remaining Insulin: %r' % (comm.getData( )))"read totals today") comm = ReadTotalsToday( serial=device.serial ) device.execute(comm)'comm:READ totals today: %r' % (comm.getData( )))"read remote IDS") comm = ReadRadioCtrlACL( serial=device.serial ) device.execute(comm)'comm:READ radio ACL: %r' % (comm.getData( )))"read temporary basal") comm = ReadBasalTemp( serial=device.serial ) device.execute(comm)'comm:READ temp basal: %r' % (comm.getData( )))"read settings") comm = ReadSettings( serial=device.serial ) device.execute(comm)'comm:READ settings!: %r' % (comm.getData( )))"read contrast") comm = ReadContrast( serial=device.serial ) device.execute(comm)'comm:READ contrast: %r' % (comm.getData( )))"read cur page number") comm = ReadCurPageNumber(serial=device.serial ) device.execute(comm)'comm:READ page number!!!: %r' % (comm.getData( )))"read HISTORY DATA") comm = ReadHistoryData(serial=device.serial, page=0) device.execute(comm)'comm:READ history data page!!!:\n%s' % (comm.getData( ))) def get_pages(device):"read cur page number") comm = ReadCurPageNumber(serial=device.serial ) device.execute(comm) pages = comm.getData( )'attempting to read %s pages of history' % pages) for x in range(pages + 1):'comm:READ HISTORY DATA page number: %r' % (x)) comm = ReadHistoryData(serial=device.serial, params=[ x ] ) device.execute(comm) page = comm.getData( )"XXX: READ HISTORY DATA!!:\n%s" % lib.hexdump(page)) time.sleep(.100) __all__ = [ 'BaseCommand', 'KeypadPush', 'PowerControl', 'PowerControlOff', 'PumpCommand', 'PumpResume', 'PumpSuspend', 'ReadBasalTemp', 'ReadBatteryStatus', 'ReadContrast', 'ReadCurPageNumber', 'ReadErrorStatus', 'ReadFirmwareVersion', 'ReadGlucoseHistory', 'ReadHistoryData', 'ReadPumpID', 'ReadPumpModel', 'ReadPumpState', 'ReadPumpStatus', 'ReadRTC', 'ReadRadioCtrlACL', 'ReadRemainingInsulin', 'ReadRemainingInsulin523', 'ReadSettings', 'ReadSettings523', 'ReadTotalsToday', 'SetSuspend', 'PushEASY', 'PushUP', 'PushDOWN', 'PushACT', 'PushESC', 'TempBasal', 'ManualCommand', 'ReadCurGlucosePageNumber', 'SetAutoOff', 'SetEnabledEasyBolus', 'SetBasalType', 'TempBasalPercent', 'Bolus', 'ReadErrorStatus508', 'ReadBolusHistory', 'ReadDailyTotals', 'ReadPrimeBoluses', 'ReadAlarms', 'ReadProfileSets', 'ReadUserEvents', 'ReadRemoteControlID', 'Read128KMem', 'Read256KMem', 'ReadBasalTemp508', 'ReadTodayTotals508', 'ReadSensorSettings', 'ReadSensorHistoryData', 'ReadISIGHistory', 'FilterHistory', 'FilterGlucoseHistory', 'FilterISIGHistory', 'ReadProfiles511_STD', 'ReadProfiles511_A', 'ReadProfiles511_B', 'Model511_ExperimentOP125', 'Model511_ExperimentOP126', 'ReadSettings511', 'ReadPumpTrace', 'ReadDetailTrace', 'Model511_Experiment_OP165', 'ReadNewTraceAlarm', 'ReadOldTraceAlarm', 'WriteGlucoseHistoryTimestamp', 'ReadLanguage', 'ReadBolusWizardSetupStatus', 'ReadCarbUnits', 'ReadBGUnits', 'ReadCarbRatios', 'ReadCarbRatios512', 'ReadInsulinSensitivities', 'ReadBGTargets', 'ReadBGTargets515', 'ReadBGAlarmCLocks', 'ReadReservoirWarning', 'ReadBGReminderEnable', 'ReadSettings512', 'ReadProfile_STD512', 'ReadProfile_A512', 'ReadProfile_B512', 'ReadLogicLinkIDS', 'Model512Experiment_OP150', 'ReadBGAlarmEnable', 'GuardianSensorSettings', 'GuardianSensorSettings', 'GuardianSensorDemoGraphTimeout', 'GuardianSensorAlarmSilence', 'GuardianSensorRateChangeAlerts', 'ReadSavedSettingsDate', 'ReadBolusReminderEnable', 'ReadBolusReminders', 'ReadFactoryParameters', 'ReadCalibrationFactor', 'ReadVCNTRHistory', 'ReadOtherDevicesIDS', 'PumpTraceSelect', 'PumpEnableDetailTrace', 'PumpDisableDetailTrace', 'Experiment_OP161', 'Experiment_OP162', 'Model511_Experiment_OP119', 'Model511_Experiment_OP120', 'Model511_Experiment_OP121', 'Model511_Experiment_OP122', 'Model511_Experiment_OP123', 'Model511_Experiment_OP124', 'Model511_Experiment_OP125', 'Model511_Experiment_OP126', 'Model511_Experiment_OP127', 'Model511_Experiment_OP128', 'Model511_Experiment_OP129', 'Model511_Experiment_OP130', 'SelectBasalProfile', 'SelectBasalProfileSTD', 'SelectBasalProfileA', 'SelectBasalProfileB', 'PumpExperiment_OP69', 'PumpExperiment_OP70', 'PumpExperiment_OP71', 'PumpExperiment_OP72', 'PumpExperiment_OP73', 'PumpExperiment_OP75', ] if __name__ == '__main__': import doctest doctest.testmod( ) import sys port = None port = sys.argv[1:] and sys.argv[1] or False serial_num = sys.argv[2:] and sys.argv[2] or False if not port or not serial_num: print "usage:\n%s <port> <serial>, eg /dev/ttyUSB0 208850" % sys.argv[0] sys.exit(1) import link import stick import session from pprint import pformat logging.basicConfig(stream=sys.stdout, level=logging.DEBUG)"howdy! I'm going to take a look at your pump and grab lots of info.") stick = stick.Stick(link.Link(port, timeout=.400)) ) session = session.Pump(stick, serial_num) )))'PUMP MODEL: %s' % session.read_model( )) do_commands(session) ))) #get_pages(session) )))"howdy! we downloaded a lot of pump info successfully.") # )